I have been lucky enough to experience a lot of places on this beautiful earth, I travelled a lot pre covid. As a fashion designer I spent weeks in distant countries on work trips on a frequent basis. I was lucky enough to spend quality time in Shanghai, China as I lived there from 2008-2012
I arrived at Pudong Airport with a large suitcase and a pocket book of Mandarin and a fold out map of the city. This was pre smartphone and Google translate.
The world was my oyster.
I loved the huge contrasts within Shanghai, the historic French concession architecture, the shack like lane houses and the futuristic skyscrapers, the fruit and veg market stalls parked up outside of the most elite restaurants, the hard fast career in fashion rewarded with a weekend of self-care.
It was during my weekends where I found balance.
My friends would encourage me to try a local body massage, reflexology, cupping treatment and reiki. This all felt rather indulgent as a graduate, but it was this Eastern ethos of self-care which led me to where I am today.
The mysticism of Usui Reiki intrigued me
The deep relaxation, the letting go, the magic of being healed with little touch by an empathic being.
It’s 12 years since I did my Reiki attunement. It still brings me great pleasure to see clients walk through my door with a certain blocked energy, reap the benefits and leave glowing, visibly clear that chakra blockages have shifted. This work is truly something. I’ll be forever grateful for my time in the East and the rich influence it had on my career as a Healer.